Monday, January 09, 2006

Dear God how can we do this to each other?

As I write this I feel sick inside. I just watched a documentary on the massacre in Rwanda in 1994.
I am ashamed to say I did not know. I was drunk, in collage. Blind to the world outside the small city I was in.

How can someone, anyone, be a part of something like that? How can it be that we humans have such an ability to hate each other?

WHY!! Why would you kill someone simply because of how they looked?! HOW can you hate someone because of the color of their skin or the size of their nose or how tall they are! Or even because of who their parents were... or their grand parents? Why is it so important which god, if any, they pray too?
What is it that makes us such animals!!??

And how could the people in power... who could have stopped it... who could have done something to help... anything... stand by, and watch. Why do we keep re-electing them?
What is the greater maddness? To chop someone up with a machette? Or to stand there and watch when you could stop it?

We crow about how we are "helping" the people in Iraq find Democracy. Yet time after time when there was no oil, no diamonds, no preacious resources. We stood idly by and did nothing. How can we be such hypocrites? How can we sleep at night? How can we forget so easily?

I read a saying somewhere.
"No man is free, till ALL men are free."

I say peace is an illusion unless it is shared by everyone.
We learned these last few years that we die just as easily as anyone else when shot at or bombed or caught in a hurricane. Our sons and daughters die every day in fighting on the other side of the world. And here on our own streets.
But has it taught us anything?

I don't know what to do. I have to write what I feel and hope someone reads it. If even one person is inspired to look out beyond themselves, to care about just one more person than they did yesterday. Perhaps I have done something worth while.

Doing something, anything, is better than saying there is nothing we can do. And then doing nothing. Share what you think and feel. When we discover we are not alone, when we work together, we can do great things. And some day, we may make amends... for all the things we have failed to do.

I was told "Love them." Just those 2 simple words. It is all I needed, to know what to do.
It is so very easy and yet so very, very hard.
I am afraid that it might be our only chance.
I hope, with all my heart, that I am not the only one who knows this.
