Monday, June 06, 2005

This is just silly...

Now look, I was raised a Christian and although I may have strayed a bit from that rigid course I still cannot believe the extent that "The Church" goes to to keep people from reading certain books. Do they seriously believe that their followers are so softheaded that simply reading one of the Harry Potter books is going to convert them to some strange here to fore unknown form of Satanism? (Yes, I know there is nothing in the Harry Potter books that would lead you to that but some folks have not read them and like to jump to conclusions. There is nothing in any of them that even implies "If you do _____ you will get _____" but I digress.)

Seriously people. I can't believe anyone is so easily swayed. They ARE good books but they are not THAT good. I would be much more concerned with the messages of Greed, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Pride and Gluttony that are being drummed into our heads by the popular media on a daily basis. (Jeeze, I guess they only miss Wrath to make it a full sweep.) I understand that the concept of "fantasy" is difficult to wrap your head around but try to stay with me here. Fantasy is (as a library section anyway) Fictional writing (that means NOT REAL) that is intended to amuse, divert and perhaps provoke thought but really is NOT intended to instruct or define or describe. That is the realm of NON-Fiction books.

A book can only be evil if the person reading it is looking to make evil from it. Otherwise it is just words on wood. Let us not discourage our children from reading. And at the same time let us make sure we spend enough time INTERACTING WITH THEM so that they understand the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction.

Any this is a bit wordy as it is so I'll leave it at that. If someone has some solid evidence that books read with a parent can warp a child's mind I'd be very interested to see it. Please include the source of the information as well as the agency that funded the study.

Otherwise... peace out.