Friday, January 28, 2005

Why is it so hard to ensure that every vote is counted???

This one blows my mind! I am not living in a 3rd world country. Modern technology handles millions for transactions a day of billions of dollars AROUND THE WORLD!! Why the heck can't we get a voting system that accurately counts everyone's vote and issues a receipt?
Also why do we all have to vote on the same day??? Isn't that just asking for trouble? Lets vote over the course of 2 days at least and NO BLODDY EXIT POLES!!!! Votes are counted during the following week AND ONLY THE FINAL NUMBER IS RELEASED!! GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST DAMN TIME!!

There's nothing wrong with having electronic voting. Just have it set up by a company that does not have a direct stake in the election! NOT BY A COMPANY THAT CAN"T EVEN MAKE AN ATM THAT GIVES OUT THE PROPER AMOUNT EVERY TIME!!! (In 12 years of using them a Diebold ATM is the ONLY one I've ever have mis-dispense money. AND MORE THAN ONCE!!)

We spend BILLIONS of dollars on elections and end up having results that do not justify the effort AT ALL! If I were running a political party and elections were being decided in the thousands of votes then I would be VERY interested in making sure that the process was accurate to better than the 10000s place! Seriously… districts had errors that DOUBLED their votes? That's not funny, that is a system that we should get a FULL REFUND FOR! Why not? Did we actually request a system that was accurate "give or take 10000 votes here and there"?
Some how I doubt it. If the credit card companies screwed up 10000 out of every 1 million transactions due to faulty software and hardware you better bet they would be beating down the door of the vendor with something like a big fat lawsuit!

Anyway, I wondering if anyone else thinks this is egg on the face of democracy? And why were we not in the streets like the Ucrainians demanding accuracy in our election system? Pretty damn important to not ignore this sort of thing!

I don't care what the final margin was in the election. There were a LOT of local elections that were a hell of a lot closer and suffered due to this pathetic system of voting we keep using!

Mr. Bush if you want to have a constitutional amendment to add to your resume then make it the "Accuracy in Elections" Act of 2005. MANDATE that the process is given the attention it deserves! Give yourself one thing that future generations will give you credit for and be proud of this period of american history for.



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